How Low Will You Go, Montana?

Why is it that snares are acceptable for wolves, but when an eagle  dies in one the USFWS offers a $2,500.00 reward?


From Defenders of Wildlife:  Wolf-haters in Montana have introduced a bill to legalize a long list of deplorable acts.

This bill, SB 397 would:
•Allow wolves to be choked to death in neck snares, killed in traps and hunted for 10 months of the year, including during breeding, pregnancy, denning and pup-rearing seasons;
•Make it legal to lure wolves into traps using dead wolves – including dead pack and family members; and
•Allow an unlimited amount of wolves to be killed in a given season.
If this bill passes, it will be legal in Montana to use snares to choke a wolf to death and then leave its body out as bait to try to kill more wolves in its pack.

You have to ask — Who does that?

Only the Beginning

The Montana assault on wolves is not an isolated incident. It is only one facet of a well-funded, highly-coordinated and unrelenting effort by wolf-haters to significantly reduce the number of wolves and strip federal protection from most of them in the lower 48 states.

Just last week, anti-wolf lobbyists in Washington DC secured 72 Congressional signatures on a letter to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe demanding that wolves in the Lower 48 be completely delisted under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

It was a chilling show of force by the anti-wolf lobby, and a reminder of what we are up against. Montana is a textbook case of what can happen when wolf management is turned over to a state that is politically dominated by anti-wolf interests.

Thanks to you and thousands of other wildlife lovers, the “kill wolves lobby” can be stopped, but make no mistake – we are in the fight of our lives for America’s wolves.

Our team is working long hours in Montana, across the Northern Rockies and here in Washington, D.C. to:
•Organize and mobilize local activists to fight appalling state measures like SB 397;
•Provide expert testimony at legislative hearings – these measures are not only reprehensible, they are based on politics, not science;
•Garner support for wolves on Capitol Hill. More than 50 members of Congress signed a letter demanding continued federal protection for wolves; and
•Mobilize online support from hundreds of thousands of people like you. Those letters, calls and emails do make a difference!

I won’t lie. We’re up against formidable foes who will stop at nothing to open America’s wolves up to unconscionable assault.

8 thoughts on “How Low Will You Go, Montana?

  1. A recent petition drive here in Michigan to halt the planned wolf hunt secured enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in November 2014. Still has to go to the Secretary of State and be checked for enough valid signatures – 161,305 being the bare minimum – to qualify, but it’s still a shot across the bow of the anti-wolf crowd. In your face, haters!

  2. Montana introduced Sarcoptic Mange into the wolf population in the early1900’s to cripple them and the mange mite plagues them to this day. Montana is no better than Wyoming or Idaho. The gloves are off and we get better get serious because in less than four years the wolf cabal has completely turned wolf recovery upside down. The only way this is going to stop is if the wolf killing states are made to stop, which means federal relisting. There is no other solution. It’s a daunting task but we must pull together to fight this outrage. We can do this!!!!

    • You’re right–that’s the solution, let’s hope there are more than 200 left by then… Where can I find documentation about MT introducing mange? I’ve seen a lot of Yellowstone wolves with it and heard wolf watchers speculate that dogs spread it to them. The truth might help convince people who the wolves enemies really are and get them to boycott MT beef.

  3. You’re right about one thing, we have the fight of our lives to save our wolves. We are not just facing Montana, we have the other anti wolf states like Wyoming, Idaho, Wisconsin and that’s just naming a few. Many of them follow the SSS (shoot, shovel, shut-up) meaning it’s okay to illegally kill a wolf, bury it and say nothing about it. These practices are inhumane and since the wolves can outsmart the human, it’s the only way the human can outsmart the wolf. To me, it’s an act of terrorism against the animal kingdom. These people are to stupid to understand that their methods of “wildlife management” is non-discriminative and will trap anything that steps in these traps, including them and their children! I find it kind of sad that these legislators and the people of these communities are smart enough to learn how to kill the wolf but not smart enough to figure out why they shouldn’t. Bottom line, they don’t care! They believe the myths and can’t see anything beyond that.
    It has been proven that it would cost the government less money to have these ranchers fencing rebuilt to ensure that wolves could not get to their “cattle” than it cost them paying these trappers to come in and set the traps and the traps themselves…so, why not do that? Because these hunters and ranchers are blood thirsty, sick minded individuals who get some kind of satisfaction by killing. It’s more than just managing the wolf population, it’s sport killing!
    Allowing hunting season during the wolves mating season and denning is just outright cruel and should NEVER be allowed but again, killing a pregnant wolf and allowing hunters to kill their pups is another fool proof way of “managing the wolf population” and one step closer to our wolves becoming nothing more but a memory and beautiful pictures to admire.
    I don’t live in these states and I don’t know how far my signature goes but I will sign every petition, contact every person I can…I won’t stop fighting for the wolves and I know it’s going to be a long fight…

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