Anti-Wolf Fanatics Scramble to Counter Pro-Wolf Message

First, here’s a message from

Introducing Our Wolf Billboards


This is an image of one of the five billboards we’re having installed on highways approaching the entrances to Yellowstone National Park, starting in June. They will greet tourists visiting the park via Montana, Wyoming and Idaho and are designed to get them to wake up to the desperate plight of wolves in America.

We really need your help to sustain this billboard campaign throughout the summer and to expand it to even more locations. PLEASE DONATE TODAY!

Timing is critical. We’ve already lost 1,700 gray wolves to hunters and trappers in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Wisconsin since wolves were removed from federal endangered species protection in 2011 and management was handed over to individual states. This slaughter has been largely unpublicized and has therefore been unnoticed by the greater public. The situation is dire, as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intends to remove protections for wolves across nearly the entire country. This would be disastrous for gray wolf recovery

No sooner did Predator Defense erect their billboards for the wolves than did the bogus pseudo “conservation”/anti-wolf group “Big Game Forever” begin fundraising for a Yellowstone area billboard campaign of their own. Theirs would of course carry their standard anti-wolf rhetoric, while feigning concern for trophy target species like moose and elk. Here’s part of an intercepted “BGF” email alert meant to tug at the heart strings of self-serving trophy hunters across the west:


Once again, America’s moose, elk and other wildlife need your help. There is a major highway billboard campaign aimed at stopping wolf management in the Northern Rockies. Big Game Forever needs your help to educate the public and the 3.4 million annual visitors to Yellowstone National Park of the importance of restoring balance through responsible wolf, moose and elk management.
Here is what is happening. Over Memorial Day weekend, a new series of billboards popped up on several major highways leading to Yellowstone Park. It appears that these billboards are aimed at influencing national sentiment against responsible wolf management.

Big Game Forever has been working over the past several weeks to respond to this misplaced advertising attack.

We have reserved a number of billboards around Idaho and Montana to educate the public about the very real moose crisis emerging in wolf states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Minnesota. We are also working with a coalition of conservation-minded sportsmen to place billboards in Cody Wyoming.
Please go to and click on the “Donate” button. A number of generous private donors have already stepped up to match your donation. Your $25 dollar donation becomes $50. Your $100 donation becomes $200. Please go to and click on the “Donate” button.  100% of the donations received during this campaign will go to this important educational campaign.  Your generous donation makes all the difference.
Keep in mind that whenever “Big Game Forever” mentions “conservation” or “responsible wolf management” they are really talking about wolf eradication–by any means possible. Donations to that group come from wealthy trophy hunters.
Now more than ever pro-wolf groups like need your donations to spread the word for wolves, through billboard campaigns and other selfless efforts. Already, pro-wolf proponents have stepped up with the offer to match donations made in support of their support. Don’t let the pseudo conservationists dupe the public with their “it’s all here for us” attitude.

7 thoughts on “Anti-Wolf Fanatics Scramble to Counter Pro-Wolf Message

  1. Reblogged this on bearspawprint and commented:
    Problem is; that sign is like the warning on cigarettes. It is a challenge, and it states immediately the desired goal of the wolf killers. Subliminally it encourages the bad guys. You remember the last word most easily.. Immediately above the word KILLING is “A world without wolves?” Well Yay, that is exactly what they want. Gotta work on the PR. Though it is artfully done, and I like it, but I’m not the bad guys.—-Bear

  2. I like the billboards and think Brooks Fahy is a saint! Maybe a pic of 2 wolves playing and kissing with pups,with the tag line below…
    “please stop killing us” would also be effective. Or “please don’t kill us, we have families just like you”
    I know billboard with the gruesome pics is also quite effective. I feel tourists driving by will definitely see both the gory and the beauty and be affected we must keep this up and keep donating and getting friends and family involved. It is our responsibility since it is humans that are doing the killing.

  3. Please help the wolves of Montana by signing the petition to end the hunting and trapping. I have been the only scientist that has published a review of the government’s data and demonstrated that their claim of science is not only false, but they mislead the public in attempts to kill more wolves. Idaho and Wyoming do the same thing. Wyoming has declared their wolf management a success because they killed all of their wolves except for the federally mandated 100. Helping Montana’s wolves will help them all. We need thousands of people’s input for me to take additional action in stopping the slaughter.

    For those who have already signed the petition, please encourage others to do so. Without constant backing, it will be difficult to reach the goal of 100,000 signatures before the fall hunting season. I will take all the signatures and comments to the Governor myself with the media present. Many signers of the petition have made numerous comments about boycotting tourism in Montana. It worked in Alaska in the past, and I can make it difficult for the government to ignore your view about the killing of wolves. The link for the petition is:

  4. Pingback: Anti-Wolf Fanatics Scramble to Counter Pro-Wolf Message | Exposing the Big Game | Vegan Lynx

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