Bow Hunting — A Growing Blood “Sport”

[This is just what the wildlife doesn’t need right now–more people out sending even more stray arrows into the air!  Here are just a couple of this year’s recent injuries to target animals as a result of the sport of bow hunting]:





Bow Hunting — A Growing Sport In Minnesota

November 4, 2013 10:15 AM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Minnesotans make that annual trip to the tree stand this weekend. The firearms deer hunting season kicks off on Saturday. But bow hunters have been searching for that prize buck since September.

Joe Caminati, of Average Joe’s Archery, said he’s seeing a lot more popularity when it comes to bow hunting.

“I think the main thing that’s driving it is accessibility,” he said. “Some of the movies that have come out recently, ‘Hunger Games,’ ‘Brave’ … has put it in front of a lot of kids and with that, the manufacturers have stepped up and made it more accessible.”

Caminati said the equipment is becoming easier to use, as well, which helps younger hunters and families as a whole.

An added bonus for bow hunters – the season is much longer – three and a half months, versus nine days.

For those looking to get into the sport for the first time, Caminati said the first place to start is at your local pro shop.

“First of all, you need to go to a Pro Shop and get fitted for a bow that’s appropriate for you,” he said. “We see it a lot of times where people come in with a bow that doesn’t fit them properly.”

The type of bow to get depends on the user – all will serve similar functions, it’s just a matter of traditional or more high tech. He said things like draw lengths, the amount of draw weight the bow can pull back and other aspects all go into the fitting.

Once that’s completed, it’s time to practice – typically in the woods or at the range. …

[Sure practice is always important. I used to practice with a bow and arrow at a target and a backdrop of straw bales. That’s how I know that bows are notoriously inaccurate–especially on a moving target.

Even William Tell, the best archer of all time, missed the target far more often he hit it. Here’s a short video of him practicing, trying to hit an apple on his son’s head.]:

14 thoughts on “Bow Hunting — A Growing Blood “Sport”

  1. Archery and trapping and even most hunting are inherently cruel and should be justified or rationalized as “sports” or subsistence or food for the freezer or as commercial arguments. Wolves and other predators are good for the ecology of wildlife and except for an occasional problem wolf or other predator problem should be left alone. They will regulate their own numbers in relation to available prey. Human sports killing of wildlife is not good for the wildlife ecology and is excessive and additive. In the instances of any segment of wildlife decline hunters should be suspected as the major culprit or weather/climate; predators should not be the first to be scapegoated or “managed”. Hunting is not good the games herds, and it has negative cascading effects; versus the cascading trophic effects of predators. MT FWP and other wolf massacre states, WY-ID-MT-WI nor the USFWS, do not listen to the public at all, just the extreme minority of hunters and trappers; they are of the same mind sets. FWP-Hunters-Trappers-MT State Legislature are backward regressives. Hunting nationally only represents 6 % of the population. Trappers are even a much more extreme minority. Hunting is inherently cruel and disruptive of ecology. Archers injure close to 50% of the time. Hunting is even on the decline in MT. The hunter-trapper rancher groups are rather right minded, not open to facts or science and imagining hordes of conservationists and environmentalists against them, making up their own lies, folklore and myths as they go. They are paranoid and delusional. Something is missing at the core of many (their humaneness).

  2. bow hunting is right up there with trapping and snaring as an inexcusable highly cruel way to kill a living being. I wonder how one of the people aiming that arrow would feel with an arrow through their face.

  3. I know I’m not alone among the commenters here, but bow-hunting injuries like this evoke my most incredulous thoughts … that we can abide by this level of violence and abject torture of wildlife in our century. Bow hunting is so profoundly archaic in intent. It is so visually and viscerally disturbing as to represent the worst humankind has ever inflicted on itself, let alone other species. It is crude weaponry of the ages, speaking to our historical barbarism and to the gnashing of blades that characterized our most violent nature for centuries.

    That people can look at this wretched juxtaposition of “sport” against our so-called modern age, and then not recoil from what this practice says about us, is baffling to anyone with a heart. But then, the disconnect from empathy is what keeps our culture afloat in its halcyon bliss, right? Pangs of conscience are often reserved for one’s own self and self-serving interests.

    The arrow, hunters will tell you, is so sharp it is barely felt by the animal harmed. The manifestations of suffering, they will add, are merely wrong interpretations by our childish and anthropomorphic applications. For anyone who doubts this is a horror inflicted everyday on our wild animals — the animals in our shared public trust — the photo of the arrow-impaled cat (referenced above) should be the most vivid illustration. Deer and rabbits and turkeys and all other quarry of the bow hunter share sentience with our beloved companion animals and with us. Photos like this should wake our culture from its convenient slumber. I am always shocked when they do not.

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