Killing of entire Alaska wolf pack upsets National Park Service…And Me!

Before admiring the “subsistence” lifestyle, think of wolves that the state of Alaska shoots from planes to provide “game” for their hunters…


by Nick Provenza

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — Alaska Fish and Game officials killed an Eastern Interior wolf pack last week, and the National Park Service — which had been studying the animals — is none too pleased.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports that all 11 wolves in the Lost Creek pack near Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve were shot. That included the pack’s alpha pair, which had been fitted with tracking collars as part of an ongoing research project.

Doug Vincent-Lang, acting director for the Alaska Division of Wildlife Conservation, says the wolves were in an area adjacent to the preserve that has been targeted by the state for aerial predator control, which is part of an effort to boost moose and caribou numbers.

But Yukon-Charley Superintendent Greg Dudgeon said the shootings are a setback for a long-term study of wolf behavior that began roughly 20 years ago. He said the Lost Creek pack had been monitored for the past seven years.

ALASKA… National Park Service and State Clash over the recent Wolf Pack Killing

An entire wolf pack was shot and killed by aerial gunning for the sole purpose of boosting moose and caribou numbers, discarding the fact that they were part of a twenty year study by NPS!

On Feb. 21, the state agency shot all 11 members of the Lost Creek pack near Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. That included the pack’s alpha pair, which had been fitted with park service collars as part of an ongoing research project.

Yukon-Charley Superintendent Greg Dudgeon said the shootings are a setback for a long-term study of wolf behavior that began roughly 20 years ago. He said the Lost Creek pack had been monitored for the past seven years as part of the study, which looks at wolf migration patterns, denning habits and population changes.

Alaska fully intends to continue it aerial killing of wolves, calling it Predator Control.



Kathy Dunn
Tourism Marketing Manager

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27 thoughts on “Killing of entire Alaska wolf pack upsets National Park Service…And Me!

  1. This world is being turned into a hell hole. Natural world is being decimated and destroyed. Whole species being wiped out by humankind for greed and sadistic pleasures. Death and destruction abounds in abundance. No other living creature is safe on this planet now, and it’s not just wildlife. Cruelty, obscenities, torture, experimentation, bestiality, killing and bloodshed has become the norm. All these innocent lives betrayed, and still the killing goes on. To what end is man walking towards? It seems to me he will never be satisfied, not even when he brings about his own demise after having destroyed all else. My sense of loss at what man does moves beyond anger…my heart bleeds and my soul weeps at the evil that they do.

    • How true. It is only certain people that do these wicked things while other people are horrified at what is happening. Please see my blog for pics, and links to articles which help to shed some light on this situation.

  2. There is no defense these folks have. .. They are wantonly killing our wild beings our wolves who are our ecosystem engineers. .. We keep killing and killing. I wrote the fish and wildlife folks and the tourism office
    Please everyone show your displeasure with their poor choices making their state a caribou and moose farm
    With climate change facing us everyday destroying beautiful healthy ecosystems for the hunters is a very poor and sad choice for Alaska’s wolves and ours under the public trust doctrine
    Please write or call our voices need to howl for the wolves .. Do it for them be fearless for our brother and sister wolf
    Our determination to stop the killing of our wildlife must continue and we just get louder with all of our voices

  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Who is any human to make these decisions over Nature? Hunting from planes? Helicopters? Now, that’s a high tech way in which the animals have all the “advantage”, right? Ah, which animal?? Not right!!!

  4. Pingback: Killing of entire Alaska wolf pack upsets National Park Service…And Me! | GarryRogers Conservation and Science Fiction: #EcoSciFi

  5. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that can justify this mass murder. The Alpha pair were radio collared, they couldn’t hide, they were killed from the air. This whole thing is just insane and criminal and should be prosecuted as such.

  6. The morons got bored and wanted to enjoy a day or two of shooting from the plane. I’d love to have a recording of all the fun they had as they killed. This is a game to these sociopathic thrill kill high addicts.

  7. Pingback: Stop The Madness And Death | Airicu's Adventures...

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