Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Goes Over Limit By 18 Dead Wolves – But DNR Won’t Stop Hunt When Quota Is Reached!

Howling For Justice

Wolf Hunt Wisconsin Overlimit jpg

Wisconsin, one of the disgusting wolf killing states, allowed hunters to go over limit in zones 1 and 2 by eighteen dead wolves, as you can see by the above graphic chart.

 The number of dead wolves now stands at 146 just 4 away from the quota of 150. But is the Wisconsin DNR going to stop the wolf hunt when the 150 number is reached? Oh no? That wouldn’t be fair to the wolf hounders, who’ve been wanting for the chance to chase poor wolves with up to six dogs per hunter, so they can track and trail them to their deaths. So the Wisconsin DNR is going to let the hunt  go forward in the two open zones, 3 and 6, allowing another eighteen wolves to be killed, which will bring the quota over the 150 limit to 164. In plain language, 14 more wolves will have to…

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3 thoughts on “Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Goes Over Limit By 18 Dead Wolves – But DNR Won’t Stop Hunt When Quota Is Reached!

  1. What can I say? The problem is too many “wildlife” groups have tried to compromise, appease the very industries what are killing these wolves (and other wild animals). Too many caring people are too naive about what is going on. Until we define who are enemies are, and refuse to work with them in any way, and declare War on these industries, nothing good is going to happen for these wild populations. The enemies have declared war against wildlife. If all the established groups decided to take them on, draw the line in the sand, and quit compromising, collaborating with these killers, we might just turn this around–before it is too late. It does not do any good to “pay ranchers not to kill wolves,” it does not do any good to invite ranchers, hunters into their groups, it does no good to be kind to them. Not anymore. If you belong to Sierra Club, to Defenders or other such groups, question them about their stand on hunting, trapping, ranching. If you do not like what they say, drop them, and tell them why. Ask them if they have hunters, ranchers on their board or on their staff. It is all about the money. All of the groups that purport to be “for” wildlife, must prove it, by no longer working with The Enemy, period.


  2. Call DNR and protest. !
    We are fed up with their incompetence
    The states should not be monitoring anything
    This should be called to the mat and shut down now!
    Is their no decency in our world regarding out quickly disappearing wildlife and the fate of our planet
    The guns NRA rule the world
    But we can still call and register that they need to be doing their jobs not be working for the hunters!
    Dispeciable and incompetent behavior equals disaster for America’s wolves
    We are capable of our country of not driving these beautiful beings to extinction !
    We have brought so much misery and slaughter it is incomprehensible what species we belong to .. We can’t be of the earth or we would he loving it and sharing it with all of it
    God help us in our quest to kill

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