Every Hunter and Trapper Will Die Someday


This photo (allegedly taken in late November, 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico) recalls some of the most common feeble rationalizations humans use to justify the killing and consumption of the other beings with whom we share this planet.

Another equally feeble rationalization just cropped up in a letter to the editor of the Las Vegas Sun, using the twisted logic that since all animals are going to die someday, we might as well kill and eat them.

The letter, entitled, “Hunting, trapping to manage wildlife,” by the president of the Southern Nevada Coalition “for Wildlife,” starts out attacking animal rights activists and defending trappers and hunters:

“The litany of attacks on trappers and hunters by animal rights activists lately are usually based on the claim that trapping and hunting are inhumane. One needs to ask the question: compared to what? Compared to the standards of Walt Disney productions where Bambi and his deer family think and talk things over and where Lion Kings rule? Perhaps so, but in the real world of nature and wildlife, it is a different story.

“Every wild animal will die someday. If animal rights activists think wild animals die comfortably in their beds surrounded by loving family members, they are sadly mistaken. Disease, starvation, dehydration and predation are the most probable causes, and in the absence of management tools like hunting and trapping, entire wildlife populations suffer horribly.

“That is the reason the entire wildlife management profession and every conservation association support regulated hunting and trapping.

“Professionals know that regulated hunting and trapping are far more humane than letting nature run its course unimpeded. The animal rights activists beg to differ, but how is it more humane to allow (or mandate) that wild animals must die by disease, starvation or predation, or, much worse, allow (or mandate) entire populations to suffer this way when there is a much better way?”

A better way? That’s assuming a lot, such as that an unaware animal is killed outright with one clean shot (which almost never happens). And how is trapping an animal and letting it struggle until a human returns to finish it off ever humane?!

Yes all animals are going to eventually die someday, but usually when that day happens, nature steps in and prepares the individual for it through a process that includes shock, withdrawal and the gradual shutting down of the senses. Hospice professionals know the process well; it’s outlined in handouts they share with anyone who is caregiving for the dying.

Ending a healthy life (human or otherwise), before he or she have had the chance to fulfill their life’s journey, is murder, no matter how you rationalize it.

The pro-human predation letter ends with the line: “Since 1937, it’s been proved that regulated hunting and trapping programs are the essential tools of modern wildlife management.” Humans can just thank their lucky stars that no bigger brained beings have rationalized away their existence…yet.

14 thoughts on “Every Hunter and Trapper Will Die Someday

  1. Boy, these old farts, simply keep repeating the same old rhetoric. As society progress’s and is leaving the old, ignorant, and cruel ways behind, those who refuse to progress into civilized compassionate thinking, still want their “out house’s” of the mind to stay put, think that their lies are sufficient enough to continue the status quo, just because they have taken those jobs that control the Wildlife, and that in the past we have been brainwashed to trusting this agency of knowing what they are doing, but the facts are out in the open and clear to most now, that these pos in place have no interest in managing wildlife for any other reasons other than their own sociopathic need to murder. The good news is, by their defensive behavior alone, they realize that we are not complicit to listening to their lies any longer, and that we WILL change this insanity, and soon.

    • Right. As long as they hunt, they ensure that there will be a future population to hunt. Nature regulates itself, hunters bypass that and kill, hoping for a rebound effect that will ensure same numbers the next year. Lying, hypocrite, bastard hunters. Thanks, Dom.

  2. Pingback: Every Hunter and Trapper Will Die Someday | redemptionforanimals

  3. Disease, starvation, dehydration and predation are the most probable causes, and in the absence of management tools like hunting and trapping, entire wildlife populations suffer horribly.

    This is nature’s way, and has been since the beginning of life on earth, and who are we to interfere? Who’s to say whether a hunter’s arrow, or bullet, or poison is a ‘better’ way to be killed? Poison, a poorly shot bullet or arrow, and certainly trapping prolong suffering. Plus there are the psychos who no one wants to admit are out there killing living things horribly because no one puts animal life on the same level as human, no matter how terrible the human may be.

    And this person shouldn’t delude themselves or others – hunters take the healthy and best animals, not the sickly and old – they do not hunt to ‘improve’ anything but their own egos. And for wolves, they kill any and all, without a care about breaking up family packs and future generations, or the health of the pack. Management ‘tools’? I get sick of the human propensity to objectify everything they touch, and think they know better.

  4. I think I should write a response for Mike Reese the author of the article entitled “Hunting, trapping to manage wildlife.” in The Las Vegas Sun

    First of all hunting and trapping is inhumane and the excuse of hunting animals because all animals are gonna die someday is like a saying all humans are gonna die someday so let the serial killers have at em’! Not a very intelligent or valid justification.

    As far as you hunters and trappers making the claim of killing animals to save them from the evils of the wild such as predation, disease, dehydration, and starvation well humans are prone to all of those things too but I don’t see humans being killed to save them from these things. It seems that you hunters and trappers are far more emotional and irrational than what you accuse us animal advocates of being! It is very clear that you hunters and trappers no nothing about species evolution or ecology. The times when wild animals suffer from disease, famine, and predation though grotesque and incomprehensible to you is how the natural world weeds out the weaker animals from the stronger ones and when the stronger animals of a species survive disease, famine, and predation, they go on to reproduce which makes their species stronger, smarter, and healthier. But because you hunters and trappers mainly kill the bigger and stronger animals of a species, you wouldn’t know anything about that.

    Also, wildlife officials support regulated hunting and trapping because they make a profit from it. Not because of the reasons you claim they do. I also know for a fact that the hunting and trapping lobby and wildlife officials work together to manipulate wildlife populations for their own agendas and so you hunters can treat our public lands like huge big game farm. It is nothing but exploitation for money pure and simple.

    It is plain to see that the claims you hunters and trappers make do not hold any fact and they also do not have any common sense in them whatsoever. I can only hope for the day when your dictatorship over wildlife policy in our country will cease to be.

  5. Couldn’t have said it better myself Justin! Being as I live in Idaho I am subjected to this idiocracy first hand. First they complain about the predators killing too many of their precious trophies and then they complain because their precious trophies are dying off left and right from disease because there are no natural predators killing them so the herds have gotten weak and sick!!! It’s crap and anyone who has half a brain knows it!!!

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