American dentist says he regrets killing Cecil the lion, but believed hunt was legal

For Cecil isn’t just any old lion. He’s one of Africa most famous and beloved lions, the star attraction at the Hwange national park, and a YouTube sensation for tourists.

He’s renowned as a gentle giant.

Such popularity cut no ice with Dr Palmer.

He and his fellow hunters tied a dead animal to their vehicle to lure Cecil out of the park, scenting an area half a kilometre away.

Cecil took the bait and strayed outside.

Dr Palmer pounced, firing his bow-and-arrow and striking Cecil.

He’s a great shot. 

A New York Times profile of him in 2009 said he was ‘capable of skewering a playing card from 100 yards with his compound bow.’

But Cecil didn’t die.

Instead, he stumbled off, wounded and bloodied, for 40 hours before Dr Palmer and his hunters finally caught up with him and shot him dead.

They then beheaded Cecil, and skinned him, before leaving his rotting carcass lying outside the park.

There was no report on whether Cecil died with a ‘dazzling smile’ on his face, but it’s probably safe to assume he didn’t.

As a result of his death though, conservation experts say it is now highly likely that all Cecil’s recently born cubs will now be killed by the next lion in the hierarchy, Jericho – so that he can insert his own bloodline into the females.

Within hours of his name being revealed today, photos of Dr Palmer with his ‘trophies’ began popping up all over the internet

Within hours of his name being revealed today, photos of Dr Palmer with his ‘trophies’ began popping up all over the internet

Cecil, Zimbabwe’s famous lion, crosses open plains of Hwange

The cosmetic dentist gleefully cuddling myriad fabulous animals he’s just killed and mutilated. His trusty bow-and-arrows nestled against their still twitching bodies. 

The cosmetic dentist gleefully cuddling myriad fabulous animals he’s just killed and mutilated. His trusty bow-and-arrows nestled against their still twitching bodies.

Dr Palmer is wanted for questioning on suspicion of breaking two laws – deliberately luring an animal from the park to kill it, and removing the lion’s identifying collar (which should have protected Cecil from being hunted), also a breach of the rules.

He and members of his team have been charged and will appear in court next week.

Within hours of his name being revealed today, photos of Dr Palmer with his ‘trophies’ began popping up all over the internet.

The cosmetic dentist gleefully cuddling myriad fabulous animals he’s just killed and mutilated.

He’s just a smirking, vile, callous assassin with no heart, whose shameless boasting of his disgusting exploits is almost as repellent as his exploits

His trusty bow-and-arrows nestled against their still twitching bodies.

Dr Palmer’s beatific smile ever present, those twinkling kindly eyes shining through the camera lens.

The pictures make me puke.

Dr Palmer makes me puke.

He’s just a smirking, vile, callous assassin with no heart, whose shameless boasting of his disgusting exploits is almost as repellent as the exploits themselves.

What he does isn’t ‘hunting’. It’s not a fair fight.

It’s a rich, well-armed man paying a fortune to hire a team of people to lure unsuspecting animals to their certain death. Then ripping them to pieces so their heads and horns can be retained as sickening trophies.

If convicted, Dr Palmer now faces a prison sentence, but captivity seems way too good for him.

Instead, I’d like to introduce a new sport – Big Human Hunting.

I will sell tickets for $50,000 to anyone who wants to come with me and track down fat, greedy, selfish, murderous businessmen like Dr Palmer in their natural habit.

We’d lure him out with bait – in his case I suggest the fresh blood of one of his victims would be very effective as it seems to turn him on so much – and once lured, we would all take a bow and fire a few arrows into his limbs to render him incapable of movement.

Then we’d calmly walk over, skin him alive, cut his head from his neck, and took a bunch of photos of us all grinning inanely at his quivering flesh.

This may sound harsh, but if you ask Dr Palmer, it’s really not.

Imagine we could take Dr Palmer’s head and skin and have them framed for our office walls. I’d even keep his teeth, so we could forever see his ‘dazzling smile’

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111 thoughts on “American dentist says he regrets killing Cecil the lion, but believed hunt was legal

  1. Disgusting human garbage this is what trophy hunting is Despicable

    Louise Kane 508-237-8326

    From: Exposing the Big Game Reply-To: Exposing the Big Game Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 3:54 PM To: louise kane Subject: [New post] American dentist says he regrets killing Cecil the lion, but believed hunt was legal Exposing the Big Game posted: “For Cecil isn¹t just any old lion. He¹s one of Africa most famous and beloved lions, the star attraction at the Hwange national park, and a YouTube sensation for tourists. He¹s renowned as a gentle giant. Such popularity cut no ice with Dr Palmer. He and “

    • State agencies are making a mess of entire ecosystems by irresponsibly managing them to accommodate special interests and artificially boost game populations……..managing ecosystems is nowhere in either the mission or the budgetary self-interest of these game and fish agencies.

      • So what you are saying is they artificially boost game populations so this makes it right to hunt this protected beautiful animal down unlawfully I might add? The budgetary self-interest of these game and fish agencies. Fish? All someones elses fault this asshats little penis is made bigger by killing! Some justification that was!

  2. The response shows what people really think and if they needed a reminder that they too have a voice, then Cecil lives on in every person speaking for him and all the other lions and big cats and wildlife.

    Photographic tourism is the future, I believe that. Conservation through safari and wildlife will benefit for everyone supporting the parks, reserves and countries. We must support them to discourage from using hunting for a quick cash influx.

  3. He looks like a serial killer. Yuck! It’s bad enough to trophy hunt, but for this guy, laws mean nothing, here or even in another country. It really is a sick compulsion, if even breaking laws can deter him, like an addiction. I had the sinking feeling it would be an American, carrying on the Great White Hunter ego trip. Someone should tell these people it has fallen out of favor. I do hope he is investigated for other poaching incidents in this country, but the US has a way of defending its criminals and not their victims.

    • I agree. I have no doubt he will start his plundering the moment when the protests wear off. That is why we must keep it up all the time. I hope he is severely punished. He needs to experience a jail in our region here.

  4. CRUCIFY THE SOB AND HIS MERRY BAND OF MORANS! How dare you go to other peoples country and KILL there beloved Lion, who was a gentel giant! I hope you get the max. I hope they pull out your teeth one by one and use it for there trophy the name of Cecil that beloved LION!😪😠😡

    • Totally agree with you, I for one would love to see his head hanging from a wall but not with a happy smile but one begging for mercy, unlike the chance he gave Cecil or any other animal he’s killed.
      He KNEW what he was doing, it’s a false lie that he ‘Regrets’ -no he doesn’t.wont stop him hunting again will it?.
      He should be jailed for 20 yrs – no parole in Zimbabwe not his own country. All those he’s ever worked on YOU should be ashamed of yourselves for helping him in his killing fields – I won’t call it sport coz it’s NOT

  5. The IRS needs to make sure his reported income supports the extremely high costs of supporting his kill addiction and every insurance company with which he participates needs to review his claims for insurance fraud to see if that’s where all of these millions of dollars he invests, overall, in “shooting up” to temporarily satisfy his addiction was coming from. Sociopaths / psychopaths are not just sociopathic / psychopathic in one area in their lives.

  6. Ohhhhhh, so he thought it was legal, so that makes it perfectly ok to kill an animal for fun.
    So you are not only vermin, you are incompetent and ignorant vermin.
    Your parents must have hurt you so bad as a child, how else could such a warped and twisted mind exist, they basically raised a phycotic piece of sh&t, you have done them proud.

  7. a lot of dentists are reported tp be weird in their personalities and this ugly dentist sure proved statistics correct! His phoney looking smile is due to his veneers–they look quite false. I would never let him put his hands in my mouth that’s for sure–What a big ass-hole he is! I hope someone does the same thing to him someday .

  8. You piece of crap…. How you dare to try to lie just because you were caught? You are not a human being. You’re just a vomit from the lowest of the shit of the lowest animal … Coward, liar and piece of shit! Come… I would enjoy very much if you PAY to destroy me… as you destroy MY PLANET… But show me your FAKE teeth… I would love to break it! With my own hands! Monte de merda!

  9. Get me an emesis basin! Another smiling picture of the triumphant killer. So the unfortunate lion wasn’t dead yet after 40 hours. Does this “mighty nimrod, hunter beyond the Lord” think that is sporting, brave, honorable? May be and all like him reap the karma they are sowing.

    P.S. Personally I would feel the same if Cecil were “any old lion” or other living being.

  10. What a disgusting human being. There is nothing right or heroic about killing an animal. that is not sport, it is animal cruelty. Now he lies. I wouldn’t trust him at all. He is despicable and inhumane.

  11. What a complete and total shithead. I was expecting the killer to be some poor local.

    Anyway, I hope his stay in prison involves plenty or rape, but I suspect he will somehow get off scot free.

  12. You’r a bold faced liar. Typical canned hunting you don’t lure the animal. You’ve been on enough canned hunts to know that. What is your lame ass excuse for wounding him and letting him suffer for almost 2 days? You deserve everything you get, plus a lot more

  13. Big game hunting should be made illegal. So that anyone including these rich businessmen and women who have nothing better to do but go kill innocent animals would be consider poachers. It worries me to know that we have such bloodthirsty people in our mist that they need to do this and to have trophies to proof it!! Something is wrong within their heads!!

  14. This guy is a piece of shit. A wanna be big game hunter and a bitch. Prey doesn’t come TO YOU. Rot in hell Dr. Piece of shit!

  15. These animas are outstandingly beautiful, I can’t understand why it means so much to some people to destroy them. I saw a video on the news where he and a lioness were butting their heads together (like your housecat) and it was so lovely. She kinda got lost in that gorgeous mane of his. This poor baby. I would feel the same if it were any and all lions too. Going after him at night with a spotlight – just awful.

  16. That any male Homo Sapiens is so utterly divorced from his primal, animal self–due to over-civilization, over-intellectualization, or whatever other things–that he has an overwhelming desire to wantonly kill an endangered predator who is no direct threat to him…

    … is a damning testimony to his bankrupted, fragmented sense of self, and his utter lack of regard for the sanctity of life that should be left alone to exist.

    There is no excuse for any act of unnecessary destruction of life, and any mentally healthy male who has spent enough time hunting, fishing, processing kills, raising and processing stock, or warring at the survival level knows this.

    They do not tend to be the self-aggrandizing trophy hunters in this world. They have no need for it, or any strong desire to do that.

    The same is true of women who have spent enough time hunting, fishing, processing kills, raising and processing stock, or warring at the survival level.

    I grew up this way, and I am from a long line of peoples who have, also. We tend to have a high degree of respect for all life, and we learn to destroy nothing without an absolute necessity to do so.

    I have no respect for this man’s acts.

  17. Don’t get me wrong, what he did was awful, but to threaten to do the same thing makes you no better and in fact makes you sound just as crazy as Dr. Palmers likings on hunting animals like this. This article is sick. Dr Palmer is sick and so are you.

    • Oh, for Christ’s sake, grow up! Awful people deserve an awful end, it serves as the ultimate deterrent of bad behavior; both for the individual guilty of it and for those contemplating imitating it. The namby-pamby perspective, I suppose, posits that societal interests would have been better served if guys like Eichmann, Ribbentrop, Frank and Saddam had been sentenced to a prolonged course of therapy with a licensed counselor and maybe a stint at the Betty Ford Center rather than the hangman’s noose. Only fools ignorant of history believe such nonsense. If you want the trash taken out, expect to get some dirt under your fingernails.

    • I agree that this threatening and public shaming is as cruel and pointless as the actions of Dr. Palmer. We are so quick to attack, blame, hate, and punish – which only causes more harm. And when we see others doing it too – we think that makes it okay – right even. But it isn’t. Thanks for speaking out.

      • The hate-the-sin-love-the-sinner (or “wussy”) wing of the public opinion spectrum has spoken. Poor Dr. Walt and all that he has had to go through, boo hoo hoo. All that hate and judgmentalism, just like that heaped on poor Dr. Joe (Mengele) a generation ago. Where does it come from?

  18. Who is he trying to kid. That smirk on his face shows what kind of jerk he is. No respect for anything. He has money but is still a piece of trash.

  19. You sure didn’t “regret” it when your all smiles after killing such a beautiful creature. You should be religuished of all rights to his body and it should now be stuffed and placed in a sanctuary for those who knew him best, oh plus you rot for the 15 years.

  20. Dr. Palmer deserves to live a torturous long life in a horrific prison where he can be constantly reminded of the suffering he has caused~


    The killer of Cecil the Lion, a much-loved lion on a Zimbabwean nature reserve, has been exposed as a US dentist.

    10851 Rhode Island Ave S
    Bloomington, MN 55438
    Phone number (952) 884-5361

    • Thanks for identifying this killer. According to his website (which seems to be having traffic problems!), he is a member of the following organizations, which could also be contacted:
      American Dental Association
      American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
      American Academy of Laser Dentistry
      Minneapolis District Dental Society
      Minnesota Dental Association

      • Thank you! That’s the kind of information that is useful AND SHOULD BE USED!

    • He’s nothing but a heartless asshole who has no regard for life. What’s he gonna do next? Hunt people? Maybe someone should hunt one of his kids or parents. Then he’d know that pride felt. The lions have feelings too!!!!!!! No good fucking bum!

  22. Trying so hard not to cry right now yet,” You sick motherfucker”,keeps repeating over and over in my head!!!This heavy combination of sadness and rage is almost unbearable to me and is causing extreme nausea. Oh Cecil…..R.I.P beautiful prince. How senseless.May your spirit protect your new cubs!!!

    • What a beautiful prince he was, wasn’t he? This entitled man with no regard for the pain and suffering of animals has stolen this animal from Zimbabwe and if there is any justice in the world, he should face the people in court in Zimbabwe for his crime. Disgustingly selfish doesn’t seem to be an adequate description for what he did.

  23. If I were a patient of his I would run away so fast he could almost see his entire practice running behind me! His hands would NEVER touch my mouth again! I hope he dies penniless and alone!

  24. Let that be a lesson to all the idiots that have the need to go big game hunting. The animal is dead, but your life may never be the same again…. like this incident.

  25. This man is beyond hope and redemption. In some of the articles about him he states that he’s been killing with a bow and arrow since he was 5. He is a defective human who cannot discern right from wrong and thus is a menace to all. Really, what can you say about someone who loves to inflict suffering on other beings? He is a demon.

  26. Hand yourself over to the Zimbabwe authorities rambo. Let’s see how much of a man you are without your bow and arrow. Oh sorry I forgot…. hunters can only face and kill defenseless animals. They are not real men!!!

  27. He poached a bear in Wisconsin in 2006, pleaded guilty, only got a $3000 dollar fine. It appears that Serial Killing is a bargain in Wisconsin.

  28. too little too late sorry sucka 😦
    for cecil the lion and all the other cecils, past present and hopefully, not future
    slaughtered why
    did cecil die.
    a lion’s life
    he lead.
    a human monster
    fueled by need for
    and now,
    the great lion
    is dead.
    what did it do
    make him feel
    more of a man
    with weapons
    in his hand.
    where was his heart
    when this vicious act
    was executed
    and planned.
    we of compassion
    cannot comprehend
    why in this manner
    this great lion
    came to an end.
    perhaps, mr palmer
    your heart will be awake,
    when again another life
    you decide to take.

    rest in peace,
    great king of beasts



  31. This monster is a serial poacher. He has no regard for life or the law. You have a history of killing magnificent animals for sport. What is wrong with you that you have no respect for life?? You should rot in hell for what you did to Cecil.

  32. Liar!!!! Who gives you the right to kill innocent animals, legal or not? you are nothing but scum and I hope you rot and burn in hell for what you did, to Cecil and all the other innocent animals that you murdered!

  33. You are an arsehole , Cecil needs justice and u need imprisonment, you have no heart , it is a cruel world as it is without people like you dick

  34. This man is a hideous killer, he doesn’t care that Cecil is dead, he’s just saying what he thinks the public want to hear,,you sir should be tried for murder, you went hunting for an animal that in it’s self is so wrong, but you shot a lion, an animal who’s numbers are depleting.

  35. The beast in this situation was the hunter. Why on earth would anyone kill an animal other than to eat it?!? I hope this dentist is slapped with multiple malpractice law suits. I hope he loses his dental license. I hope the residents of Africa rise up and file legal suit against this savage beast. He should be ashamed of himself. I hope he never gets another night’s rest. May his teeth rot and cause painful abscesses.

  36. Ok folks, especially those of you in Minnesota: you know where he lives, you know where he works, you know what he looks like. Let’s make this piece of excrement’s (hopefully short) life as hellish as possible, as in picketers and demonstrations at his home and place of business for starters.

  37. The Zimbabwe Consular is in Washington DC meeting now; deciding whether to request Extradition of Walter Palmer and his wife back to Zimbabwe for the slaying of Cecil the Lion. Please call Fax email flood this place begging the Zimbabwe Consular to Extradite Palmer to face charges for his crimes Zimbabwe Embassy 1608 New Hampshire Ave Nw Washington, DC (202) 332-7100 Please call the Zimbabwe Embassy Now and ask them to request Extradition of Walter Palmer They are deciding now whether to request Extradition Emphasize that Palmer is a convicted Felon in the US who did the same thing to a bear in 2008 and he will continue until some country has the fortitude to stop him. His conviction revoked his hunting priviledges in the US would should make him ineligible to hunt in another country. We also need to point out that he was baiting the Lion out of a wildlife sanctuary refuge. It is illegal to even bait turkeys. He shot cecil with a bow at close range so he had to see his collar. He baited Cecil out of a wildlife Preserve Which is also illegal and shot him with a bow at close range even though it was clear Cecil had a collar on. SHARE THIS

    • Please Dear God, let it be so –

      Even if you could believe his weak apologies, the fact that he flouted US laws to kill a bear underscores how little credibility this little man has. Even worse, he already has a lion trophy and then wants more!

      I wouldn’t be surprised if when the truth comes out we find that he induced the guide and farmer to lure the lion because the lion was famous, and that’s why the high bribe money and the hunting at night. He probably felt that despite a collar, back home in the ol’ U S of A he can lie his ass off and get off with a slap on the wrist. I hope he’s wrong.

    • Great idea! I just called the embassy and talked to a gentleman who said they were considering this issue right now. PLEASE CALL!

  38. You are the most hated man in America, your selfish and feel entitled. I’m sure your kids are ashamed of you. America is ashamed of you!

  39. Being legal doesn’t mean being right. He lakes a moral code about the treatment of wild animals that no law can replace.

  40. I would like permission to re-post this on my own blog please. I started college in January at 48 years old because i have a passion for Africa- specifically large mammals and number one on my favorite list is the rhino. If you would like to see and read about my love for these magnificent, almost extinct animals please check out my blog. I am completely heartbroken over this story. Im NEVER at a loss for words but today I am actually silent…

  41. I hope that piece of disgusting evil human shit dies in the worst death possible along with all who hunts and hurt animals. My wish is that he gets eaten by lions so they can chew on his disgusting flesh and bones for hours. I wish I could kill him myself. Why human laws are so corrupted… actually why the homo saps are so corrupted? I am so deeply ashamed and depressed about my species.

  42. what a bastard! I hope he gets the same treatment as this LION. GREEDY SELFISH BASTARD.
    I hope the dentist GOES TO HELL for his actions! No-One in MN should go to that selfish bastard of a dentist.

  43. Hunting for sport should never be allowed and should be outlawed all over the world. It’s one thing if you’re hunting to eat, but hunting and alluring than animals out just to kill them and take a trophy disgusting. This man and any others who do it should be fine extravagantly and should be sentenced to jail time. They should also have to do some conservation work.

  44. Dr Palmer is evil, i wonder if those teeth are his or he killed another animal to have that set for himself?

  45. this man is a pig and he should be lured into an open area where hundreds of people can attack him and have him feel what it is like to die a slow painful death. if ever a man deserved to have the human race shun him, it is this man. if he keeps just one of his patients i would be surprised.

  46. What a sick individual. A lion in a place of harmony a national park. Killed by lunatics…. Why do people think this is a sport???? He should be given a lethal injection. Totally SICK him and his group. Why are there people out there letting individuals do this???

  47. Dr Palmer “thought the hunt was legal?”….

    If you’re giving a friend a ride into town and he asks you to stop at the bank for a moment and then that friend robs the bank killing someone in the process,..then,….you weren’t just giving him a lift into town…you were robbing the bank with him,… and a murderer too.

    Your future on this planet from now on Palmer,…. will be very dark indeed.


  48. I hope you and your family drop dead. You are a disgusting beast. I’d like to Rip those teeth out of your head with no anesthesia and let some wild animals pick up the scent of your blood and watch while they rip the rest of you to shreds while you feel every bite.

  49. What a rotten piece of vile shit I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. I hope he gets what he deserves. And that goes for any rotten human who does this awful thing he is just a puss who probably got picked on in school and now is taking it out on these amazing beautiful animals. What a sorry excuse for a man.

  50. Who gives a shit it’s legal or illegal? That isn’t the point asswipe..Not even close. You just don’t get it.

  51. Whether it is legal or not, does not make it right! Cecil was wounded for 40 hours, bleeding and hurt and you continued to look for him so you could make sure he was murdered and then you still beheaded and skinned him? I wonder what it would be like if animals had dominion over humans and walked around with rifles hunting us. You would be the first person on the list for payback. You are CRUEL! If you can kill and destroy the lives of animals for your so called fun, you are EVIL! And you pay to do this. What is wrong with you???? And now Cecils cubs stand a chance of been killed in the wild as well. But you don’t care… you have your trophy. It’s a good thing you left our country before the outraged public got hold of you. Your heart is fake.. just like your stupid teeth and fake smile. Heartless Bastard!

  52. Shame on you, Dr. Palmer and others like you. We no longer are living in the Stone Age. You need to evolve as a person. Be a real man instead of an image of machismo. Don’t you see that you are a murderer!

  53. Pingback: Amerikaner med för mycket pengar del 1 | Sven Tycker

  54. Pay for this. For all the animals you has killed. Support the reserve on Zimbabwe. And go out off there. No ever more your nouse in Africa. Do hunt on your glass !!

  55. watch the video we still live in the stone age and you don’t so you think if hunters stop killing these animals they will be save they will not be safe we will eat them and our friends will eat them

    even your animals in the usa are not safe if your laws were unenforceable like ours all of your wild life would have been killed a long time ago

    watch the video and stop destroying africa– with your whining– and bullshit –and money gifts to animal lovers so they get a free salary and do not half to work it is them that are killing the animals

    and they are doing it with your moneys

    sorry for the truth
    sorry it is like this

    please stop killing the fauna of africa

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