If You Care About Animals, Don’t Support Firework

Every Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve, Americans celebrate the birth of
our nation and the new year. Many people don’t realize the fireworks they
light or support by attending events promot…

Every Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve, Americans celebrate the birth of
our nation and the new year. Many people don’t realize the fireworks they
light or support by attending events enable a harmful tradition that has no
place in a compassionate society.

When the fireworks end, here is the aftermath of their devastation:

1. *Increased reports of injuries and deaths to animals fleeing from
fireworks* (animals hit and killed by cars, birds flying into buildings,
and wild animals getting trapped, falling, and suffering from respiratory

2. *Massive increases in stray animals at shelters* in the days that follow
as dogs and cats left outside often run and get lost

3. *Birds losing sight of their nests and never returning, leaving
offspring to starve to death*

4. *Frightened and sick domesticated animals*

Animals have much more acute hearing than humans. That’s one of the reasons
my dog used to shake uncontrollably, jump in the shower, and start digging
when he heard fireworks. This is him still hiding even after fireworks
ended because he was so scared.

Animal research indicates animals hear the sound of fireworks at twice the
decibel level as us—analogous to standing at the base of an airplane’s
engine as it takes off. *No form of entertainment can be worth subjecting
animals to such trauma. Take a moral stand. Refuse to attend any events
that light off fireworks. Animals should never suffer so people can
celebrate a holiday.*

5 thoughts on “If You Care About Animals, Don’t Support Firework

  1. Don’t forget about the fools who go to places where they can start fires! Even a small fire can catch up with squirrels, mice, etc.

    Fireworks should just be banned!

  2. Yes agreed

    I hate fireworks

    My dog is terrified and I can only imagine how wildlife are impacted

    Thanks for this important post

    From: Exposing the Big Game Reply-To: Exposing the Big Game Date: Sunday, July 3, 2016 at 2:49 PM To: louise kane Subject: [New post] If You Care About Animals, Don’t Support Firework

    Exposing the Big Game posted: “Every Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve, Americans celebrate the birth of our nation and the new year. Many people don’t realize the fireworks they light or support by attending events promot… KIRSCHNERSKORNER.COM Every Fourth of July and New Year’s”

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